Saturday, April 19, 2008

Bowling part 2

Everyone that we hang out with has not gone out for a while so we all decided to go bowling upon arrival Anna decided that now was the time to let them in on her secret. You see Anna is normal in every sense of her practical life but for one aspect. Anna is an obscure bowler, no not in her approach or her follow through but in her delivery. Anna has a heavy ball and she approaches like every other novice but her release is a tad late. Her ball literally lands half way down the lane to a loud thud. It is so loud that usually the lanes around us stop and laugh and Anna just keeps on throwing her ball. Yes she gets strikes and spares with her form but the one thing that remains constant is the fact that she always lets go of the ball to late and it goes thud. On a previous jaunt to the alley's she earned the nickname "Annaconda" so that is her bowling alter ego. My bowling name was "Beam me up Scotty", Sarah was "Buck Me", John was "Thunder Thumbs', Peter was "Peeturd", Katie was "Kat Pee", Darnel was "Big D", Amy was "Amy the Arm", Yevette was "The Spin Bizitch", Rick was "Red Hose". Muc fun was had at all of our expense.
Katie, Peter, and Mary
Sarah, Mary, and Anna
Trying to get our names right
Anna Lining up her shot
Please note the spere above her head no that is not a illusion that is her ball after her release and it is going to land half way down the lane
Sarah checking out her shot
Just a little excited


The Gruber Family said...
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The Gruber Family said...

Love the pictures!!!