Wednesday, January 17, 2007

OK OK I am writing

So thanks to TK and my sister I am going to still add posts to here unitl we get another camera which should be by the end of this week. I am at work and we are a little slow so it is nice here. My family is all sick, it started with me and Abby. Then Joe started to get sick. So I had a temp with Abby camped out on the couch and Anna was locked in her room with 2 bottles of lysol trying not to get sick. But even though she actually sprayed Joe down with Lysol she is at home right now sick on the couch. Joesph also had another little suprise for us. On Friday I picked him up from school and he informed me that he went to the nurse because his arm hurt. I proceeded to lay into him because he loves to go to the nurse. Well whe he got home I asked him to show me his arm that he refused to show any one for days and all of a sudden it hurt at school. So he pulled up his sleeve and I about hit the floor. It was BRIGHT RED and about two inches in diameter. As well as hot to touch. Well of course I asked him why in the hell did he not tell me and he said that he did not want his Mom to pop it.
Abby is now sayin "Sippy" Kitty" "Doggy" "Daddy" 'BUBU" "Ganpa" "NANA" "PAPA" she nods yes and shakes her head no. As well as she loves to dance. We were all dancing with her the other day and she just thought that it was the greatest day ever. Well that is it for now but I will write more later


Anonymous said...

I was just about to bust out with another "Scott" story (which I shall mention I have many many in the vault just waiting to be unleashed) when I saw your blog entry......saved.....for now. Poor Joe, I hope he's feeling better. I'm sure Anna will be up an at 'em in no time, us Moms don't rest much ya know. Oh, and we really need to start working on Abby: Auntie Amy, AAAAAAAnnnnnnnntie AAAAAAAAAmy. I'll use hypnosis if I have to. Don't think I won't go to great lengths to be the favorite Aunt. ~Amy

WanderingGirl said...

Now, that's more like it! I do hope Joe's arm is okay!

WanderingGirl said...

anything new Scotty?

WanderingGirl said...

Psssssssssssst... give us some more, please.