Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Kids pics for the g parents

Joseph doing a stripper pose

2 Best friends that are beginning to become inseparable

Justin getting into his reading I am so proud of him

The big cheese ball

He is really becoming a little man


Anonymous said...

Hope Cassidy feels better. I can't wait until July (from Cassidy......the first and the original)

I can't wait to meet abby and see all of you. (from Emmy)

Anonymous said...

How great my grandsons look!!! :-)
I thought it was Justin and Abby that were close. Last summer, Joseph seemed like he could care less, and Justin was the "Abby hog". Has it really changed? Tell Justin that I am proud of him that he reads, and tell Joseph that his smile is adorable. I can't wait to hug them all. Love, Nice Nana