Monday, February 26, 2007

I did it for the Nookie (part 1)

Nothing you read can prepare you for pregnancy. The following book is meant to give both men and women a small insight into the world of pregnancy and parenthood. I have learned through trial and error what to do and not to do. No matter what you as a couple have done there is absolutely nothing compare to the entire pregnancy process. There are many steps that add up to the sum of the process
Deciding to actually try for a baby is the first task to conquer in the process of the miracle of birth. In this department I took the stand of “we will have kids at a later date”. We had only been married 5 months and with two step sons at the ages of 5 and 8 I thought that we had plenty of time. I still wanted to travel and see the world. I was selfishly (and secretly) thinking of our trip to my home state coming in July and wanted to drink with my home town friends. There were amusement parks to take my boys to as well as all the food you can imagine to sample. What I told my wife was that I wanted to wait at least until we were married for a year before we started trying to which I was told “I am going to start trying with or without you so make up your mind” Faced with making the decision of lone nocturnal escapades compared to 3 weeks of drinking I made the sane decision and chose to try and stall.
Stalling is a great idea but if you decide to choose this route remember to never trust anyone with your decision because like the secrets of Watergate it will come out! Perhaps you may talk in your sleep, or you may have an exceptionally perceptive wife like mine. My wife could teach the CIA interrogators how to extract information from spies. Thinking back I guess I gave her the opportunity when during one night when the Emergency Room that I work for has a party catered and all drinks are free. Being the true German that I am I decided to take full advantage of this rare opportunity and drank more than I had in the past year. The entire time I was wondering why my wife was smiling and getting me drinks. She even offered to be the DD? On the way home I was bombarded with questions. With my defenses lower than Italy’s in WW2 I opened up and spilled the beans about my reasons for waiting. I did not even know what I had said the next day. I was moving and thinking very slowly. But did not need speed in my thought process to realize the ice storm in the living room was from my wife, just what had caused it? After asking the question “What’s wrong?” and receiving a four letter retort, I concluded it was me that had caused the recent ice age manifesting in our living room. I knew after a very brief discussion that I had to either start trying to have a baby or move out. After long discussions about conceiving we decided to not try but to take no precautions and just let nature take its course.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very clever little bro, very clever. Who know you had the "writing gene" of mom's?
