Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Just an update

Just a short little update, Tried to run but the shins wouldn't let me. So I went to the Spinning class. CRAP that is just as hard. I swear that woman has a sadist. She kept on laughing at me. Chalk another mode of exercise I am totally not good at. Now if I could find a method that involves 12 ounce curls along with getting on and off the coach I will be set. Oh and I finally found something that Anna totally kicks my butt in. Exercise! I am going to go to 300 this Wednesday so I will let you all know how it is. So far Zodiac was great.

Looking for a house to rent in FL but it is not going to good right now but I got Mom S on it and I am sure that she will do fine

Andi has her tickets for this July and she wants to go to Salem

I will write more later and try and figure out how to post My favorite blogs on the side as well as how to post videos so until then------ Think of me falling of the treadmill

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is that ALL she really kicks your butt in? Come now, o arrogannt one.

LOVE to see that there are frequent updates on one of my favoritest blogs.