Monday, March 19, 2007

Outfit number 1

So Anna and I were inspired by TK's hair vote and we decided to try and do it for ourselves, but with the outfit we should have Abby wear for Eric's wedding. So the next couple of posts will be of pictures with different outfits, then of the shoes please let us know.

This is the black outfit that Auntie Amy got her and we added a tuel like skirt under it.
My little cowgirl

She loved this outfit

The boots light up when she walks

My floozy I am going to have to talk to her about that


Anonymous said...

I'm a bit partial as I'm the one who purchased it....I say go black, and since I'll be wearing PINK (ughhh) I'll live vicariously through Abby. Perhaps Ahhnie Amy could get a matching red toulle skirt and light up cowboy boots and we could wear them together at the rehearsal dinner.

Anonymous said...

I think they are all adorable- BUT I think the white outfit is the most darling.... It'll be hot, it's cute, she's cute, the shoes are cute... That's my vote. Thanks for the pictures of my main man...

Anonymous said...

we go for the black one. no toothless one. the white one might be better for a wedding though with the black one for the rehersal dinner. daniel had good point. are they eating before or after and when are the pics going to be taken. if in white and has to eat, watch out. Wright Family

frozen dad said...

Thanks Sis, BHB (Big headed Bevin) I also like the white but the black is my Favorite, No prob with the pics of Garrett, To the Wright family thanks for writing in, Anna wants to wear black just to mess with my brother at the wedding but VERY good point about white!!!

Anonymous said...

The white one is probably best for a wedding but I definitely like this one the best! :-)


Anonymous said...

Hey everyone hope all is going well!!! I like the gymnastics ice thing! Anyways my favorite outfit is mom's black outfit with the cowboy boots, Its adorable!!! I also like the dirty toothless mexican one for the rehersal dinner, and please bring the purple shoes i loooovvveee them!!!

Love you tons and tons
Cassidy (their niece)

Anonymous said...

I do like the black - definitely with the cowboy boots!! Maybe that could be the backup when the white one gets dirty.
Melanie said to tell you that she thinks I should say I like the dresses better than I like Abby. Do you think she is just a LITTLE jealous?

Anonymous said...

Okays so i really like the cute black dress but it looks a little big. By the time of the wedding she should fit it right??? I think this would be the best dress should it fit if not i would have to go with the white outfit (3) I think it was. Oh and I am not sure about the boots with the dress but she is cute and can make anything work. Good luck and have fun DeLys