Monday, March 19, 2007

The shoes

These are the shoes that I would like you to vote on that would go with the outfit you chose

I also wanted to show her first bikini, I still have not made up my mind on this yet


Anonymous said...

The boots, oh go with the boots!

LOVE the bikini, how could you not love the bikini? Maybe you could get a banana hammock to match Scott. That would be hot.

WanderingGirl said...

I vote for the white outfit Nana got her, with the red shoes, of course!

Keep the bikini, and start carrying a rifle.

Anonymous said...

I truly love the bikini, but stick to the holes in the ears for now... no belly rings for Abby. When you get to the farm you may be able to get Joe to part with his "moat plans" know, the one he threatened to build when the girls were young and living at home. With family in Florida getting a gator or two for summer months won't be a problem. Then all you need is a co-operative polar bear when it freezes over in winter. And like Tiff said, having a good shotgun and two big brothers can't hurt.

Ma King

frozen dad said...

MA King,
Thank you for the comments and we are coming to the farm! Just email me and we will coordinate!

Anonymous said...

The bikini is ADORABLE!!! Of course, the baby isn't too bad either. I think that she already has a cute little shape too. Maybe she should wear the bikini to the wedding since it is so high class - wouldn't that be a hoot? Only kidding - Scott and Anna.

I like the white outfit. Maybe it is because I bought it for her. It really fits her well, and she looks very sweet in it. The floppy white hat that I have here for her would go with the outfit. Should I sent it with her Easter stuff so you can see it?

Anonymous said...

Freaking adorable! She should wear this to your brothers wedding!