Sunday, April 15, 2007

Hell table for two please

Long time no hear but considering the amount of comments left on the blog I feel ashamed that I ever let it go so long. AHEM, So couple of stories to tell and explain why Beelzebub has reserved a place for me along side Anna in the after life.

Reservation number 1

All day long Joseph had been having a bad day and bye that I mean that he was being defiant, snappy, air headed, EXTREMELY mean and picking on his brother, rude and generally in all purposes living up to being a 8 year old boy. So Anna and I were watching Americas most wanted and Joseph was cleaning the kitchen very uncomfortably because he is deathly afraid of AMW but the draw of the TV is to much for him so he starts watching even though he knows he shouldn't. For some reason an idea pops into my head and I start the ball rolling I send Joseph to his room and foresight told me that he would hide on the stairs and listen to the TV. Of course he does just that and in my mind I can see the trap setting. "Hey Anna we have to watch this because of that person on the loose in Anchorage" Anna looks at me and a glint crosses her eyes, she knows just what I am doing and follows suit. "But Scott I thought that person was spotted in Nenana?" (about an hour and a half away) "We do not know that is why we have to watch but I do know that the guy breaks into houses through the bottom window." At this point Joesph just loses it and starts to cry and say that I am just being mean. How can I be so mean to make him sleep downstairs with this "maniac" on the loose. I am giggling the whole time and he gets real mad and throws something. At that moment Anna sent him to his room at which he went down with great apprehension. I feel bad but not bad enough to let on. I follow and put Smokey in his room and tell him that I love him and not to worry nothing is going to hurt him and if a anyone is outside Smokey will bark and wake him up.

I get Justin and let him in on our secret and ask him if he would like to be in on the joke. Justin and I sneak outside and Anna sneaks downstairs, Justin starts banging on the window and frame, Anna started screaming outside the room. Joseph FREAKS out and leaves his mom out there to get mauled. But he does look out the window with a look of horror and I couldn't resist I jump into the window view and scream a blood curdling scream. He SHRIEKS and runs out of the room and we catch him and let him in on the joke. We also explained about why we did this and it is not nice to be on the recieving side of the joke. He forgave us and we told him it would be all over the next day forgive and forget, But not before we take pictures,

On to story number two and this is not as bad.Anna and I were cleaning out our room and closet when I came across a pair of panty hose that Anna had bought and never worn. I put them over my head pulled them tight and started to sing "been caught stealing" by James addiction paying homage to the video. Anna comments on how weird it makes me look, DING, "where is Joe?" "
"Out in the living room sleeping"
"watch this, it's gonna be funny"
I go out and pull it tight over my head and get in Joe's face and scream about 2 inches away from his face he looks up sees me screams and runs out the living room down the stairs and screams until he realizes what was going on. Sad part is I scared the crap out of him 5 minutes later.
Hell table for two please


Anonymous said...

ah, well... something for him to tell oprah... and i'll be at the table next to you, so don't worry- it's good company to keep. i prefer a table at the back of hell though- makes for better people watching... and making fun of...

Anonymous said...

You are a sick man. Don't do that to that little guy.....he's only going to take that lesson and "do unto others as was done unto him". What if someone did that to your little princess? Wouldn't be so funny then huh? Meanie.

frozen dad said...

Yes it would be just as funny, if not funnier. This was done with love as it was done to me by my Nanny after watching nightmare on Elm St. We all pick on each other, the other day I got doused with ice cold water in the shower by Anna and Joe. In our family we have a great sense of humor!

WanderingGirl said...

Yea, but if he hacks you into pieces because of this we're telling Oprah what you did.