Monday, April 02, 2007

short update

Got to make this short as I only have 10 minutes and I am training a new person here in the ER (pronounced eeeerrrr) Justin and Joesph both got EXCELLENT report cards. Abby now says "Hot dawg" "Badoo (Love you)" "PEEEESE" We had our friends Amanda and Sue over and when Anna fed Abby she put Abby's blanket over her to use as a cover. Today Abby brought her the blanket and said "Naanee peeese" Well must jet off will write later today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about didn't manage to offend anyone in that little blog entry! My heart leapt when I read "Badoo", both Melanie and Emmy said the exact same thing.....It's written in their baby books to prove it. A huge high five to my nephews on their report cards.....yeah!