Sunday, May 27, 2007

More observations of the waddler

Anna awoke on Saturday and wanted to go to the Farmers market. But she wanted to ride her bike. I can't ride yet, never mind the 5 mile ride but said that I would meet her there. We packed up all the kids and took pictures.
Abby with her helmet and all ready to hit the road. By the way the helmets are compliments of TK at least the theory behind the helmets.
Anna and Abby getting ready to ride and test driving the bikes
Abby starting to scream
One last picture taken by the waddler.
Justin and Jo excited to get out on a real bike ride
Revving up the engines
Abby trying to get use to the helmet
Two cheese balls
Joe "Cool"

So the aftermath of the ride is, Abby screamed the entire ride, I show up and am told that I have to take Abby because she has been horrible. But the boys had a blast and want to go again!


WanderingGirl said...

You should try a seat on the back of the bike instead of the buggy. I'd be pissed too if I got zipped into that thing and drug along behind! It has to be lonely bck there!

WanderingGirl said...

And good move on the brain buckets!

Anonymous said...

I laughed out loud when I saw the first photo of my girl, all decked out with straps, sunglasses, the essential helmet, AND her sippy. She was so ready for a road trip! Was she cold? It must have been windy back there. The boys look psyched for the ride. What grown up boys they are!

Samantha said...

Nice Family, BD. Sorry to see you had surgery! I hope you feel better. Your daughter is precious!


Anonymous said...

My favorite picture on this posting is of Anna and Abby giving their cheesey grins. It looks as if Abby knew that she was hamming up for the camera. How cute!!!!!

I agree with TK--Abby is probably ready for a back seat carrier on the bike. You can save the drag along for my next grandson!!!