Monday, May 21, 2007

More of what you observe when you waddle

Abby Surveying Jo-Jo's(her nickname for him) work
Adding some needed color and Abby input
Jo teaching her how to use the chalk and the joy on her face is just priceless she was in hog heaven
Trying to color daddy since he is wobbling and can't get away quickly
Look at the Joy on her face!!!
Making a new Picasso or at least a Pollack
She knows where everything goes because she kept running back and forth for new colors
Look at Jo just beaming at her like a proud big brother
"What I can make a mess with Jo-Jo and you are encouraging me? WWWWHHHHOOOOO!!"


WanderingGirl said...

Too cute! So glad to see the kids up here... any more belly photos and I was afraid we were going to get the full monty!

Anonymous said...

I second TK's comment.....I was ready to counteract with some photos of my new Brazillian (just kidding, I coudn't withstand that waxing).

For the first time, I actually saw a little of Scott in Abby (around the eye area). Tell Jo-Jo that we love his artistic creations and love the way he takes such good care of his little sister.

Anonymous said...

YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! They like sidewalk chalk! I have the biggest tub of it that I could find and was hoping that they would enjoy some outside art projects when they are at the farm next month. Oh, how we will miss Abby though.

Anonymous said...

Abby looks absolutely adorable. Scott are you sure she's yours? Kidding. She is very cute and I am looking forward to meeting her. Little bro.

Anonymous said...

They sure are having fun!!

Yes, we have a whole tub of sidewalk chalk too--just waiting for Miss Abby. We have quite a few things for her big brothers too!!