Friday, May 18, 2007

New gross pictures of the scars and swelling

So I have been chewing percocet's A LA House and have found that I really do not like them and would make a HORRIBLE Narc seeker. I am waddling around like a pregnant woman and getting in and out of bed by rolling I challenge anyone out there to try and get up out of a chair or bed without using abdomen muscles. All the credit in the world goes to my wife and sons who have more than picked up the slack. Here are some new pictures of the scars
They are now raised and swollen stay tuned for updates on the ever changing colors it feels like I swallowed a beach ball

I have to give a shout out to Bevin because she took good care of me In the hospital.

Here are all the kids chipping in to help with the flower pots since I can't do anything but sit here and blog
He has really started to act like a little grown up I love him so much!!!
Abby trying shovel like her big Bubu's


Anonymous said...

Holy crap!! I guess you did "have a little surgery"! Pa King is feelin' your pain (and sharing your drugs) but at least they didn't have to shave his junk. Of course he can no longer look down and see it either.
Oh, the price of wellness.....

Anonymous said...

You look pregnant big brother. Are you participating in some sort of male pregnancy experiment they are performing in AK? Thank god that you are isolated up there so it doesn't spread to the civilized world. Just kidding, hope you are getting drastically better because that looks horrible. Love ya, E