Friday, June 15, 2007

At the dinner theater

Justin and Jesse at the theater
Joe, Bevin, and Garrett
I love this photo of us

So we had to walk up a big hill to get out of the theater and Abby was wanting down. I put her down and she started to flip out. Saying up, up,up. Well we had decided to lay our foot down and not spoil her we made her walk and it was the longest walk in our life she started to scream and didn't stop the entire way until we were all the way to the truck.


Anonymous said...

I laughed out loud when I saw this picture. It just shows how angry she was that she couldn't get her way!!! Our Abby is a real trip, isn't she?

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwww... the memories! I have to send you the video of that! Miss you guys already... XOXO...

Anonymous said...

At our house those are known as "King Kong's" and while all King children had the inherent ability to throw them, Amanda was the absolute master of the art. Let the games begin........