Saturday, June 02, 2007

For my writing class

I had to take a English 11 class due to an oversight on UAA's admission cert's and one of the main requirements is to keep a blog and list the main thoughts and observations on your assignments on that blog
Well simple for this guy I have been doing it for some time. So Abby is asleep and Anna is at a Bridal shower and the boys are at their Dads.
Now on to the writing assignments and I have no IDEA what I am suppose to do? So I am officially posting that I am emailing my teacher and explaining that I have no idea. Well until then I will post some argumentative thoughts and ideas for this class! well post o you later


Samantha said...

Don't you just love taking classes you have already taken? That sucks!!! So the professor wants you to keep a journal about your classes. I guess it makes sense, but I generally write about the bad stuff in class, so I am glad that I haven't had to do that! Thanks for the comment, by the way. You have a beautiful family and I am very happy for you!

I am not sure if you have talked to Ira, or Sabra and Pop in a while. A lot has happened. Bekah and Ira got divorced, Bekah is married to Eric (not sure if you met him, he was Ira's best friend back in FL). There is more to the story if you would like to know. I will link you to Ira's myspace, or give you his email address if you want to catch up.

It is nice to talk to you again, I always wondered where you would end up. Hope to stay in touch! At least to see pics of the family.


Anonymous said...

Why don't you freak your professor out with you "half monty" photos......that would land you a passing grade for sure!
