Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Still the hike

Yes you are not seeing things that is ice. Andi decided to sit down she got a wet bum.
This is waiting for Anna, Abby was almost out needless to say she was comfortable
At the top and she was full on sweating, out for at least an hour I even hit her by accident with a stick from a tree by accident, she didn't move
All the kids, Check out Justin he is blossoming into such a great little man
Tweedle loud mouth and Tweedle louder mouth
Best Friends

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to have new photos of my favorite Alaskan Family! I suppose that the pimple on your arse and hernias are healed?!?!?!?! Carrying a baby on your back on a hike?????? Good thing you are out on medical leave from work, you wouldn't want to be straining yourself there or anything. :)