Friday, August 22, 2008

Our chopper ride

Dad and Mom had decided to buy Dad and I a flight on a helicopter as one of the things to do on their week up here. All I can say is it is one of the things that I will always remember it as one of the coolest things that I have ever done. We did lots of things together say keep checking in to see pictures
Here is the helicopter before we took off. Dad and I were both in the back on each side
We had to wear those silly Glacier boots
This is the view from the window going over the rivers
More rivers 1000 feet down
Our pilot to the left she looked about 22 years old
It started to rain a little but it was still good visibility
A glacier off in the distance
Looking over my head to the glacier
We are going to land on this one
Isn't it beautiful
I t dies not seem that big but it is HUGE
Just Beautiful
What we did not know is that the ice was over 300 feet deep
Freaking awesome
We got to drink the most refreshing and tasteful water I have ever had
Dad Loved it
One of the Ice holes that can be up to 75 feet deep
It just seemed to go on forever
Solid Ice
We loved it

Man O' Man
The Helicopter
Another Glacier off in the distance

We were so insignificant out there
Look at my head reflecting the sun

Just Gorgeous

The Denali Highway

The Princess Hotel


Anonymous said...

I talked to the pilot on how deep is the glacier? She said it was 500 to 600 feet deep!! I thought it was only acouple of feet deep. But Scott, you were wrong too.

Anonymous said...

Just AWSOME! The kids took Joe on a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon in May which was just fantastic. He couldn't begin to hike it, so it was really the perfect early Father's Day gift. Like you, it was something none of us will ever forget. Great to see your Mom again too!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

brings back wonderful memories of our trip to Alaska for the wedding. We stayed at that hotel. beautiful scenery and wonderful people....and a new cousin!