Monday, February 12, 2007


Yes I know that it is about time for some new pictures and here they are

I just love this one of joe and cassidy they were both asleep and it was just awesome

Here is the monster and for those of you that do not know she has torn her ACL!! how the hell does a dor tear her ACL I have no idea but she did

The three amigos they are Anna's best friends


just love this picture because of the giant Ass next to his head and the fake smile

Again one of those rare times that are peaceful in our house


WanderingGirl said...

I think you should write a book called "Joe and the Giant Ass". This could be the cover.

Anonymous said...

Tif, I'd buy it.

Hey bro, it's nice to see that you gave my sweet nephews some blog time. They sure are cute too. Love the one of Cassidy and Joe sleeping. Nothin' beats a sweet dog that tolerates just about anything.