Monday, February 12, 2007

kicken it at home

So the boys were at thier dads house and we were having fun with the crabster at home and Anna got her a pair of Crocs that are way to big but we had fun

Here are my 2 girls aren't they cute

Sharing my weight watchers ice cream with my girl

The smile that will cause global warming

With her princess septer and her too big crocs

Doesn't she look like her mommy????

I love this girl I actually share with her (a big feat for me just ask Anna-- when she tries to take food off my plate I usually knock it off her fork so she can't)

Mommy reading to the crabster


Anonymous said...

She has you so wrapped it is pathological.

WanderingGirl said...

I love her red shoes. It's something we have in common!!!