Monday, February 12, 2007

Cross country skiing with Bevin

So Anna and I have been in a funk as of late to which I attribute to the Rosiak's leaving AK. I know that it has been a while but all of the holidays went bye and it kind of hit us hard. We also fell in a rut with our lives. So we have been trying to surround ourselves with people that are positive and trying to nurture healthy relationships with those people as well as spending as much time and effort on ourselves that we were spending on other people. One of those people is Bevin, she is a single mother whose son is Joesph's age and they just love each other. We went on a 4 mile trip and just had a blast with her.

Bevin and Anna in the "Tree Tunnel"

Cheesing it up for the camera

Bevin waiting for Anna

Action shot for all you bloggers

Hey here is that hot chick

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can

Big headed Bevin (her bowling name another story another blog)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks beautiful. Now that it is above zero there, it must be nice to actually go play outside in mother nature's playground