Monday, February 12, 2007

New pictures for My parents and the Norton household

Abby petting Cass all you have to say is " Abby where is Cass"

Giving Nana and Papa a toothy smile
Yeah she is the queen in the house
Hello I am a diva
Cassidy tolerating the baby
Hi daddy
Gorgeus is the only word that comes to mind
Ready for the slopes


WanderingGirl said...

O.M.G.!!!! Those pics are fantastic! I'm so glad you've returned to the blogosphere! The Crabster is beautiful and definitely looks like Anna, but I think she has your eyes.

Now, post something of you doing something retarded that will make me laugh. I need it.

Anonymous said...

I think I actually saw her giving the "I want to go see my favorite auntie" look in one of the photos. Good gracious she is a cutie! Cassidy looks like she took the short bus into town in the fifth photo down. Doggie drugs, or just plain stupid? Not that stupid is bad, I really like Cassidy and easily see her charm.


Anonymous said...

The pictures are adorable!! Abby has certainly grown since we saw her!! :-( That outfit we sent looks adorable on her. I love her smile. One thing, though--20 pictures of Abby, 1 or 2 of Joe, and what about my Justin?!! You've GOT to include those boys--what message do they get when they see the blog?