Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I think I can, I think I can

During my last physical it was discovered that I have a hernia, upon further inspection by a surgeon it was further diagnosed as an umbilical and 2 inguinal hernia's (look it up it pains me to much to actually write it down). I was then told that I would be going into surgery in May and be down for 4-5 weeks after for recovery.

Anyone that knows me knows that I was starting to kill myself in the gym to look half way decent for my brothers wedding (Yeah the guy that did not even call me on my birthday, and yes I called on his) So My surgeon told me that in no uncertain terms was I to lift. Cardio was OK but any lifting, and I blow out a nut. So being rather found of my boys, I set out to find what is so enjoyable about running. I went to the store and of course ran right to the Brooks section because they ROCK!!! I bought a pair of Brooks Adrenaline and a pair of Brooks shorts because that is all I can afford. So Looking the part I figured I could jump right into the fun part. I can say right now that there is NOTHING enjoyable. The first day Anna and I went out with our friends to the track and I ran with John and Anna ran with Sarah. Yeah they are both in fairly good shape and we aren't. Anna says she was starting to cry on the second lap, I was doing the whole visual accomplishment thing and picturing an ice cream truck in front of me. It didn't work, That disaster was narrowly averted and Anna and I got out with our dignity slightly intact. I have been continually going to the gym to run and tonight I did 3 miles with only falling off the treadmill 3 times (don't they feel uncomfortably like a gerbil wheel?) I have been going to the University inside track and have given up trying to chase the pretty little people to hit them (they run to fast and are to in shape) and if I keep my head phones in I can't quite hear my wheezing. It is not fun or enjoyable but it is getting easier and hopefully by June I will be able to run on the beach in FL with killing myself. Anna of course is blowing me away. She gets up at 0530 AM and goes to jazzercise and then drags me to spinning with her everyday. All this to look good for my brother's wedding (my best man) that I am not even going to be the best man in. Well it pains me to say that I am getting old and exercise is not as easy as it use to be. I just keep on thinking "I think I can, I think I can"


Anonymous said...

You should be doing it for yourself, NOT you &^%&(^%ing brother! Shall I challenge you to a little running race in FLA? (Hey, what do you say we wait for CT, Florida will be oppressively hot when we're there, oh joy). ~Amy

WanderingGirl said...

Running is dangerous. You could get a fankle. Besides, skinny people can't drink as much at their brother's open-bar wedding. Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

Boy - I can't wait to see the skinny S. Sochockis!!! I hope the hernia operation goes well, honey. Anna will have to take good care of you and give you breakfast in bed and bring you your medicine and bring you the remote and fluff your pillows and............you get the drift! Love, Nice Nana

Anonymous said...

I tried Brooks on your suggestion and you are right they are comfortable THANKS!!

Anonymous said...

Brooks are great thanks gor suggesting them

Anonymous said...

Hope that you keep it up I am glad that you will give us a running (pardon the pun) commentary