Wednesday, February 21, 2007

My big stupid 3 legger

We here in the cold north are use to seeing our dogs lift their legs when outside. But when our Great Dane Cassidy started to lift her hind leg and not bear any weight I got nervous either she wanted to pee real bad and forgot she was a girl or there was something really wrong. With apprehension we took her to the vet and thought we would either have a dog with an alternative life style (Don't you judge her) or a big vet bill. With 2 Xrays in hand the Vet came in the room looking all of 19 (I'll call him Doogie Howser from now on, or DH for short) and proceeded to tell us that Cassidy tore her ACL on her right rear leg. What the, I believe the following is the exact conversation:

Me: So what do we do? (Crap this is going to cost a lot)

DH: Well the only real possibility is surgery

Me: Can we do anything less invasive? (Crap this is going to cost a lot)

DH: Yes we can do comfort care but the quality of life that she will have will be poor and the fact that her other leg will blow from the strain within 2 years

Me: So how much is this going to cost (You smug little boy, its going to be a butt load isn't it)

Anna: Will she get a cone? (This will be hilarious to watch her with a cone!)

DH: No she will not get a cone and it will cost **** (Yes a couple of thousand)

Me: (Crap that is a lot of money)

Anna: (Crap no cone)

So the following is our now three legger on the day of her surgery

Waiting for them to take her into preop
Anna giving the defunct 3 legger a hug and kiss to calm her nerves
Notice the "I am going to pee stance"

Post op and a little high on Valium (on a side note look at the rear left leg that is shaved she has spots on her skin which I thought was just amazing)

My Bionic dog just wants to come home to her daddy

So she is recouping fine and the kids are loving on her

(crap that was a bunch of money)


Anonymous said...

Poor Cassidy! I hope she is feeling better by now. I guess she can't play with the other dogs the way she used to :-(
That was very witty the way you wrote the conversation with Doogie Howser. I enjoyed reading it.
When am I going to see pictures of my grandsons??!!

Anonymous said...

Hello frozen family! Ma King here from sunny South Carolina. Just a word of encouragement for the three legger and a heartfelt round of applause for you for giving her the care she needed and deserved. I have TWO (no kidding....two) leg surgeries on one of my big dogs and an ACL repair on a second dog, so when I say "I feel your pain", I mean it!! For the record though, both are fine and after sticking with the restricted movement requirements for 2 months they both run like crazy critters now. Worth every penny. Don't give up on the halo idea though Anna. Mine both needed it at night when I couldn't watch them because the staple line started to itch and they were more than willing to take on self-removal.

Now about those kids.... GORGEOUS! We want to see them (and their Carharts) in SC. Joe says he will put his on and it's quality John Deere tractor riding at the farm for everyone.

Blog is great. You too are destined to be a celeb!