Tuesday, February 20, 2007

no pictures just me

OK so to all of you that did not know I just had another birthday. I had a blast and got everything I could want. Anna took me out to Lavelles and I had the rack of lamb, a bottle of Pino Noir and then we went to Kirsten's house and she made me banana Flambe with home made biscotti and vanilla ice cream. I got a pair of

CARHARTT Bibs So now Abby and I match when we go out in our Bibs this was from my wonderful wife and I do not care if my sister says I look like a dork because I am special or that is what my mom say and I have the shirt to prove it. Just go back a couple of posts. I then got the shoe that I have long coveted. I as most of you know work in an Emergency Room with a lot of Md's and one in particular had these pair of clogs that I just loved the minute I saw them. Well upon first inspection I noticed that they were stapled. He had said that he had them since his residency . Could I try them on? As soon as I slipped my foot into them I knew what he was talking about. It can be comparable to when Dorthy first slipped on her ruby slippers, or perhaps (to recapture the manly points that last statement lost me) like when Wayne Gretzky first held a hockey stick or when John Wayne first slid into a saddle. What was this little slice of heaven you wonder....

None other than the great, grand, the one and only


I have wanted this so much for the past 3 years that I have secretly tried on Mikey's numerous times. I have literally drooled over these at Beaver Sports and swore to myself that upon entry into the nursing program I was going to buy a pair for myself. I made such a big deal that Anna had to go and get a pair for herself. I then got the second best thing ever and that of course being "My name is Earl" season one. And Anna got me a base layer for skiing, Mom and Dad sent me a Sweater and I got some gift certificates to Lowe's. All in all a great birthday we had a poker party and cleaned up Between Anna and I we cleared 100 dollars!
I also went to the movies with the boys this weekend and let them each take a friend we went to see "A bridge to Tarabithia" Yeah it rocked and this weekend Anna and I are going to take Mike Burton to "Ghost Rider" Who has it better than me??

1 comment:

WanderingGirl said...

I heart Dansko. And I heart you too. I wrote the blog post before I woke up in the middle of the night to tell you peppy birdlegs!