Tuesday, March 20, 2007

And so far the polls are.........

White outfit has 2 votes from TK and Big Headed Bevin
Mexican has 4 votes from Julia and Sara from the ER, Selena and Tamarra from the Lab
Black has 3 votes from Big Sis Amy, Me, and the Wright family

Nothing much going on, I am at the ER and we are Extremely busy so this will be a very short post. Exercising is going good although I went to Spinning and the instructor came in I smirked because it was an instructor that I had not seen for awhile.

I smirked because I thought she had gained weight. She was always the "In fit" person in the class and I deep down inside loathed her. Oh she is nice and fun to talk to but she kicks my butt,

So I am thinking that I will be better than the teacher

I actually move from my bike in the back row and move up

I am going to kick her butt at this and everyone is going to see

That is when she announced to the class that she had an ultrasound and the little girl is doing great


She is 7 month's pregnant and still has a smaller belly than me


She is pregnant and still kicked my ass


I closed my eyes looked up and thought to myself "Thanks god could have done without that"

went to get off the bike to try and sneak out early from class to shower for work

there goes Scott falling of the bike, knocking into the next person
Yup a regular Mikel Baryshnikov.

I am so graceful and humble AAAAAHHHHHHH I'm going back to work

1 comment:

WanderingGirl said...

Didn't Anna teach you that a pregnant woman could kick your ass about two years ago? Gheesh. Good thing that chick could give you a refresher-course.