Saturday, March 10, 2007

Constantly ferklumpt

So I am on a spring break and I am WORKING?? Well nothing new going on except that I just found out my buddy Chet is moving back to the East coast, PA to be exact. Only for a few years to go to CRNA school. Now he is the 4th or 5th person to leave or make plans to with in a month and a half. Chet is my buddy that is a dog musher and took mom on a ride. I am making plans to go with him and also have the boys go on a ride. He already asked me if he could store the snow machine and the 4 wheeler under our porch I of course said yes (Wouldn't you) with out asking Anna. Why give her the chance to say no? I also am making arrangements with him to store/use his tools until he gets back. I still am going to miss him at work I will never forget the constant onslaught of one liners. The day that I met him he asked me if I knew that his nickname is coffee. Why, "Because I grind so fine"

Well besides that little bit of sad news nothing much else going on, Abby is now saying "AUNNIE" when you prompt her as well as proclaiming "BAWL" when ever she sees one. She also is learning the word no when we tell her.

No new workout news besides the fact that I again fell off the treadmill. How the hell does one successfully run on that thing. I know that I am not the most graceful thanks to the genes that I inherited from my mother. I am constantly bouncing off the walls and banging into things. Sadly my daughter inherited my grace as well as my intestines. Oh forgot to tell you that Amy, she has the Hermenau curse. Yesterday we were hanging out together and I farted she looked at me looked down and giggled. 10 minutes later she ran up to me climbed into my lap farted and laughed hysterically. God I love that child.

Justin surprised our friends with a newborn with a hat he had made by his classmate, that child melts my heart and then breaks it 40 times daily. Nacho has perfected the art of attack, how you ask, she attacks me every night when I should be asleep. Although annoying I now know that she can attack and although has been unsuccessful on her pounce attacks on Mrs Virginia, Penny has fallen victim many times over. The poor old girl will fall asleep and Nacho will find the highest point near Penny and do her best Jimmy Superfly Snuka impersonation. Penny does get her back but you have to give nacho points for style. Well that is it for now leave me comments!!


Anonymous said...

An addendum.... I have been unsucessfully trying to teach abbymonster to say 'shit' for months...... maybe I need to work harder...

Anonymous said...

You tell that little Nacho not to mess with my girl Penny. Perhaps I'll have to send for her and rescue her from the sneak attack kitty.