Sunday, March 11, 2007

What would Freud think

So although quite personal I have decided to put this funny story on the Blog

Anna and I enjoy a healthy relationship and when the mood strikes us we have a vociferous relationship as well as wild and loud. We were deep in the throws of passion when the thought occurred to me "We are making a lot of noise and although George (my father in-law) is not home the banging of the head board and the moaning might wake Justin up. Nah he slept through an earthquake last night" 40 minutes later (10) after we are finished I hear a door close. I rush out and see Justins light on. I go in and he says "Scott I am really scared I woke up and heard this knocking on the door I went down there and then heard it upstairs. I heard Mom yelling and moaning so I thought a robber was here. I came back to my room to see if he got my stuff. I was going to check your room next." "Justin we were just wrestling and playing around"I think that he was wise to me when he thought about it because he still won't look me in the eye. God I hate to think about what he is going to tell his counselor.


WanderingGirl said...

The jig is up. Install a deadbolt on the bedroom door, lest your son want to burn his eyes out.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe you would put personal crap like that on there..... let's be honest, more like 4 minutes....

frozen dad said...

Hey Andi or should I say "Anonymous" If I say it is 15 minutes then it's 15 minutes:) Now stop talking to my wife!!!!

Anonymous said...

Although my parents would be proud - as they scarred us many a time - I find myself horrified for your poor child! LEARN TO BE QUIET FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

All I have to say is "EEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW", I almost gagged while I read that, don't forget that you have a sister who reads your blog. Yuck, don't do that to me again.
