Monday, March 12, 2007

I am going to go postal on the Mail woman

As you all know I am determined to get in shape not only for my brothers wedding but I at first wanted to know why people liked running I thought that they were a strange breed and weird if not psychotic. I started out at the grand weight of 260 and walking around the track in the student recreation center. I have graduated into running around the track as well as cross country skiing and swimming but I must say that running is highly addictive. If you catch it right there is a euphoric feeling about it. I have done my research and as I posted earlier I bought Brooks shoes not only for the reputation but they are so damn comfortable. I am an ER tech so therefore I am on my feet all the time and brooks were the only thing (besides Dansko's) that made my feet not ache. So naturally I wanted them for running. The question I have and or the problem is due to my rotund girth I am getting shin splints? These things hurt!!! I have been told that the only thing I can really do is run outside but it is cold and unless I want to look like Rocky and wear sweats. I know, I know "Go out and buy proper running gear" but I have 3 kids (who are my inspiration as well as my wife) and they are not cheap. I try to run on the treadmill but I keep falling off the stupid thing. Which right now I am nursing a hurt knee as the result of getting to involved with Seinfeld while trying to run on the stupid treadmill in the exercise room here in Fairbanks Memorial Hospital. So my jaunts out into the -10 weather have been, short lived, Yesterday I tried and ran to the corner couldn't stop shaking and ran back to the house all the while the mail woman was laughing at me. I love running but WHAT DO I DO?? Until my dilemma is solved I will be falling off the treadmill and limping on the track.


Anonymous said...

That is a great sneaker!!! Thanks for the laugh. Keep it up

Anonymous said...

Great Blog again thanks for keeping me smiling, You should send this to Brooks so they can keep tabs on you!!

Anonymous said...

Try to wrap your shins, If you really like Brooks try the "Beast" If you run outside go in layers and just keep running!!!

Anonymous said...

Great job, Try to stay on the treadmill, and they sell neoprene sleeves for your shins that can help with the splints, I agree with laughing it up you should send this to Brooks!!

Anonymous said...

Hey good shout out to Brooks not many people know about them!!

frozen dad said...

Thanks all, I will try to wrap them in the future I wonder what wandering girl has to say since this is kind of up her realm! It sucks Anna thinks that it is just attributed to me being out of shape!!

WanderingGirl said...

WG say stretching, Scotty, lots of stretching. You should stretch the muscle (tibialis anterior) that runs up the outside of the shin. Do it by turning your foot to the inside, then pushing your ankle down like on the gas pedal.

But look at how many comments you got! You're getting famous!

Anonymous said...

My advice to you little bro: Give up running, open a nice cold one, and sit yo' bum back on that couch to watch Star Wars for the 98759438579887th time like you really want to do. See, who says I'm not a great therapist?
