Tuesday, March 06, 2007

They ganged up on me!!!

Anna had come to me earlier in the week and suggested that we take Abby to the pound to look at the animals. Abby goes crazy for any of the animals. She can already say Doggie and Kitty.So after Anna swore to me that I would have no pressure to get an animal we went to the pound and Abby was adorable. She ran from kennel to9 kennel squealing and showing us the animals but they had no kittens and after Anna pointed this out I agreed that it would be really cute to see her with one. We went to the pet store and they didn't have one and then we went to the feed store and they didn't have any. I just chalked it up to Karma and went to the vet to get Cassidy's food and After Anna told them of our day they mentioned that they had some kittens that they just rescued and would we like to see them? OF course Abby hears Cat and starts saying "Kitty" So the tech comes out with three cats and asks if we would like to hold them,Yes (I know that I am going to get suckered) Abby gets one and squeals saying"Hi Kitty" (Crap I just got another cat) "Daddy Kitty" (God I think that Anna planned this) Needless to say my heart grew 5 times like the Grinch's when looking upon whoville. I looked at Anna and suggested keeping one to which my lovely wife smiled and said yes. Upon the way home I looked at her and asked "did you plan this?" She just smiled (I really think she planned this, and I am in trouble when they can communicate and plan) We decided to call the new kitty "Nacho" because it's "Not CHO" cat it's Abby. Mrs Virginia freaked out at first but is slowly getting use to her.

Crap I got another cat

Could you honestly say no to that face?


Cassidy recovering with her new friend

Giving kisses

Joe and the new Sochocki


Justin and Nacho

The boys and Nacho

Hamming it up


WanderingGirl said...

That kitten is adorable! What a great addition to the house. Miss Virginia will get used to her soon. She's got greath maternal instincts you know!

My Dad takes all 4-legged family additions in stride. He says he knew not to ever tell Mom to choose between him and the 4-leggers... "I'm not sure she'd miss me much." Wise man, that Joe King!

Anonymous said...

How freaking cute is that? Scott... you are such a sucker! But we love it that way! I can't wait for us to come over and meet the new addition!

Anonymous said...

If you even for one nano-second thought that YOUR wife wanted you to go to the animal shelter to just "Look" at the animals, you are more stupider than I thought. He is very very cute and I love the way Abby manhandles him....maybe Nacho and Fat Louie could chat sometime, they seem to have that bit in common. I keep thinking of Boo from Monsters Inc. running after the monster yelling "KITTY!"

Love, Amy

Oh yeah, glad to see my sweet nephews included in at least one blog.