Monday, April 23, 2007

Anna is going to be pissed

Those of you that do not know us we are in a constant state of ever improving our home up here in Fairbanks. Most my wife and I agree upon and some we don't. For example we agreed that we needed another bedroom down stairs, we agree that we need to get rid of the retro wood paneling on the one wall in the living room

We did not agree on the new color of the kids bathroom and now epileptics go into full blown seizures upon glancing at the yellow color in the room, we did not agree on the green color for the boy's room and even though I protested that in 6 months the boys would not think that the "hulk" green would be cool and again I conceded.

Well upon entry of the spring we are in agreement about almost everything except which order to do things. I say get the stairs fixed after I finish the two other jobs that I started and have not finished. Anna wants to start to do a mosaic on the fire place to which I am fully supporting her and Justin doing but at a later time, in my opinion it is a winter project. Now I told you that to tell you this (always wanted to say that)

We are on the look out for new tile as well as spare tile for our mosaic. Any tile you want or have ship it up!We will take any and all and incorporate it into the mosaic

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine the colorful tile project you are about to undertake. Just remember that you need to think about resell value (ie, go neutral little bro, go can do it!).