Monday, April 23, 2007

I'll trade it all for 1 more hour of sleep

Well I am particularly happy today because I found out that I have a B maybe an A in A&P II. I want to write something witty and funny but all I can say is THANK GOD it is almost over!! After this I only have one more prereq and then I will be done. I applied to the RN program at UAA and think that I am a pretty competitive applicant. All I need to do is take a English correspondent course over the summer and do well on the NET and I might actually have a light at the end of the tunnel.

Next thing to conquer is my triple hernia surgery. I am going to have 4 weeks off and I will enjoy every second of it, but until then I am a hurting puppy. The other day the spinning nazi got off her bike in the middle of class and started to try and adjust my seat. "Sorry but my knees are going to point out for a while"

I am going to try and have the DR take pictures, Until then......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Almost TMI.... hope we get to have some fun while you are off of work!