Sunday, April 29, 2007

Linda Blair has nothing on me

We went to a lunch at a local restaurant and when there we usually order the steamer clams. It was just Anna, Abby, and myself. We got the clams and Anna had 4 or 5 then told me "honey do not eat those they don't taste good" to which I made the comment "I guess we'll see in the morning"

We Did, Again, and Again, and Again

We did not give any to Abby obviously but we think that it was passed through breast milk or perhaps through contact because I awoke to her vomiting and pooping green, Yes Green. Anna and I were running to the bathroom all night long.

Note to self.. Listen to your wife and stay away from steamer clams when the nearest ocean is 3000 miles away!!!


Anonymous said...

Ewwwwwwwwww I got a visual. You know my pathological aversion to vomit.

Tell me Einstein, why would you continue eating shellfish after someone else at your table commented on them "not tasting quite right"???????

Hope everyone is back to normal and you have called the restaurant.

WanderingGirl said...

Hmmmm. Did I ever tell you that Ma King's pie will do that to you? No? Seriously. You should beg her not to make it. Deadly poison. Deadly, I tell you.