Sunday, May 06, 2007

Bye Cassidy

Cassidy as all of you know had ACL surgery a little while back. She has not been doing well and the Vet along with myself and Anna thought that maybe we were not doing enough PT. She was losing muscle on her hind legs. We quadrupled our efforts to the point that she was dragging her leg so much she ground it down to the quick so we had to go out and buy booties for her. On Thursday I went to work and Anna called me and informed me that Cassidy was not doing well at all and we needed to bring her to the Vet. Long story made short after Xray's we discovered her Sacral spine was compressing under her Lumbar spine and squeezing her spinal cord. She was slowly becoming paralyzed. The Vet squeezed her back feet with a pair of forceps and she did not move. After much deliberation and with the prognosis of her never being able to run or jump we decided to put her down. Anna took Abby out of the room and I was alone with my dog for the first time since I heard the news. I cried. The Vet came in and started an IV and I asked Cassidy for some Sasser kisses she licked me and then nuzzled my face. I stroked her face and held her head as the Vet administered the medicine and I watched my dog slowly slip away. I knew that outside the door was my wife and child that I needed to be strong for and I needed to be a rock for them and my sons to lean on. I looked down, let the tears come once more as I thought of all the memories I had, after the tears stopped I tried to say something but for the first time I could not physically speak, I said the only thing that would squeak out "Bye Cassidy".


Anonymous said...

Oh, Scott---What a nice eulogy for Cassidy. It made me cry - especially since I know exactly what you went through because we did it for Dusty. Those are great pictures of her - nice memories.
What else can I say? I love all of you and am looking forward to seeing you next month!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I too got teary. She was a very loved dog, which is all she really wanted from anyone. My favorite memory is of her a little doped up at the wedding bumping into things, "humph-ing" to the ground like everyother drunk girl at the bar (I actually stole that from TK, but it still makes me laugh). She was a sweet sweet girl who will always have a special place in the Sochocki-Speakman Family.


WanderingGirl said...

So sad! What a sweet girl she was, even when she was "humphing" to the ground. You couldn't have had a better one.

Anonymous said...

Dear ones, I am so sorry to learn of your sweet girls passing. This "flip side" of choosing to put furry angels in our life is soooo hard. Scotty, when I did the EXACT same duty in the same way for my beloved Eliza Jane the only thing I could say was "RUN! Really fast and really hard...but not too far, so I can find you again one day". I wish you peace knowing you were her everything, right to the end.

Anonymous said...

Por pitiful Scotty.....
Abbymonster and the Urchins look like they are having too much fun. I miss you guys and want to come home.....