Thursday, May 17, 2007

well I had my surgery

This is the say before and my daughter was dressing me up all was well or do I thought...

So I go in and am expecting to have a open surgery on the umbilical and laproscopic on the 2 inguinal hernias. Yeah I awoke to the most intense pain I have ever felt in my life. Turns out the inguinal hernias were to big to fix laproscopic. The mesh he put in were 5-6 inches in diameter both. I ended up staying the night on a PCA morphine pump and just got home with Percocet and Tordal in both hands the following pictures are not for the faint of heart
These are of the actual hernias inside me

Not feeling good at all.

Anna said my first words were "they shaved my junk" These are my scars the top one is about 3 inches long and the side ones are about 5 inches and 5 and 1/2 inches long.

Pretty aren't they

These are from the Reed family

From Amanda and Sue

From my mom and Dad


Marci said...

I wish you a complete and speedy recovery! I may be having surgery this summer, and it is helpful to see that you are already healing up and blogging. Good luck and Feel Better!

WanderingGirl said...

Ouch! I seriously hope you're wearing a cup around your house! Having someone hit you in the balls wouldn't even be in the same zip code as funny.

Anonymous said...

Ewwwwwwwwwwwww, I'm a previous psych. staff.....the likes of which can't handle wounds like that. Leave it to you to post your incision site. Oh boy, you are going to itch like a &^%&^%-er. Good luck and hope your toenail heals :)

Love you, Amy

Anonymous said...

I tried to leave a comment earlier but I guess it didn't take... You are a badass, plain and simple. I hope all is on the up and up- will call soon! Uh- I just wanted to say nice how much you must have impressed the OR staff and docs when they "shaved your junk" because your scars point right to it- like a medical happy trail or something... I don't know- I didn't see, I'm just sayin'...